Monika Celebi

Independent Psychotherapist, Video Interaction Guider, Movement Therapist, Trainer & Supervisor

I have been helping families, individuals and organisations to develop fulfilling relationships for over 30 years.

I provide parenting support, perinatal services, video interaction guidance (VIG), psychotherapy, assessments of parenting capacity, training and supervision.

Please contact me if you would like to discuss your particular circumstances and to find out how I can help you.

About me

Passionate about

empowering families

and professionals

See what I can offer
I provide the following services…

Family support


…in hopeful and effective parenting strategies, also suitable for those fostering or adopting.

Mediation for couples…

…who want to reduce conflict and successfully co-parent, if they live together or apart.

Perinatal services

Support for individuals/ couples expecting a baby and for new parents – from conception to age two.

More services

Individual Support

Counselling and Psychotherapy

Suitable for adults who may feel depressed, anxious, lonely, afraid,
stressed, stuck, confused, bereft, or overwhelmed

Assessments of parenting capacity

For Family Courts and for Social Services to give a clear picture of a family’s strengths and potential for change.

Training and Supervision

Courses in video interaction guidance (VIG) and bespoke training for those who want to improve their communication skills at home or in their place of work using video reflective practice (VERP).

Training in facilitating parent-baby groups